People who copy terms on UD to try and stay relevant.
Yo, that whiteboys slang wasn't even correct. What a poser. He probably got his slang from UrbanDictionary.
Brand new either clothing, a car, (something materialistic.)
"yo that new whip is fresh af" or "damn those new kicks are fresh af"
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To have something under control. Same with on point. Doing something really well, and having it be all yours.
Yo if you have that girl "on lock" just ask her for her number ma boy.
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Somebody you say hi to on a daily basis but donât associate with in depth. Or somebody you might slightly dispise but you still keep on good terms with.
Yea that fool is cool but he is just an acquaintance.
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Same as a wannabe. They do whatever it takes to fit in and brownnose. They are everywhere. Just look out for them an avoid them.
Yo that fool ainât with it he is a follower not a leader. He canât hang.
4👍 2👎