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Big spring high school

School in Newville, Pennsylvania. Full of either wanna be rednecks or wanna be anime stars. No in between. Hunting is a priority and American flags hang on the backs of all the big Yee-Yee Trucks. In the middle of flipping nowhere and is practically hated by other schools. But hey-we got a dang good car smash and wooden ship burning every year for our LBJ parade*

Notable Facts - diss track by some kid from Boiling Springs (home of the Bubblers) was made for us. It was better than ours on them.

*Little Brown Jug. Rivalry between us and Shippensburg (wooden ship-get it). Football game every year and huge celebration. Winning team gets the jug for some reason. We lose almost every year. But car smash!

Kid - woah check out that dude in camo. Bet he’s a real good hunter
Other Kid - nah that’s just a Big Spring High School student livin’ his every day life

by BigSpringStudent2021 October 22, 2019

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