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The absolutely jankiest town in the whole of Kent. Is the main meetup spot for all of kents pikeys and traveller scumbags. Walking down the hi street at night is more dangerous than anything on earth. Lots of wannabe gangstas in there snide canada goose coats causing trouble with locals and just being fucking annoying cunts.And to top it all of, the only other type of people in the place are ugly goths who hang in brenchley with mega nonces and nitbags who will do anythin for a marlboro gold. Common slang that youll hear in maidstone:
Geet up
gel off
If you are going to maidstone soon, DON'T! its a shithole full of caravan mongs in clothes from dagenham market.
Shittest drugs and dealers too, Deadest weed and packet cut up with your nans ashes and some whizz. Don't go the clubs here, Bouncers are roid ragers who got bullied when younger. Cex workers there are rancid they stink of monster energy and piss stained bed sheets

Wanna go down maidstone for a shop?
No way mate its pikey central we might get little gypos trying to rob us!
yeh true its probably safer to go chavham then

by Bigboy packet March 13, 2022


a word that means either a kilogram of drugs(cannabis, cocaine etc), or a small amount of powdered drug (such as cocaine) that is sniffed off a door key.

just moved that key and made racks off it!
just sniffed a key of colombians finest in the club toilets. The perfume man aint happy,

by Bigboy packet August 5, 2021


Means to smoke a cigarette or joint insanely quick, usually while drunk or after cocaine as this causes you to excessively smoke.

Saw harry just cane a fag in 2 seconds!
been caning a fag buzzing off the nicotine

by Bigboy packet August 29, 2021

3 for oner

1.5 grams of cocaine for 100 pounds. Called a 3 for a oner because its 3 half gram bags.

About to hit the local and sniff a fat line from my 3 for oner.

by Bigboy packet June 23, 2021


The consequences of running out of drugs like mdma or cocaine. You will crave it and not be able to sleep at all.

Just had a joint to sleep after the comedown from last night

by Bigboy packet December 22, 2021

5👍 1👎


street version of the stimulant amphetamine (NOT METH)Usually is a paste that is rubbed into the gums. Effects include extreme energy bursts, and the urge to want to do a task like clean your room. Honestly kids stay away fro this stuff the crash after stopping or "comedown" is awful, nearly a week of extreme irritation, sleep problems, and depression. Causes psychotic problems if abused and is super addictive.

Just bombed a bag of whizz im so full of energy I could jog down the m20.

by Bigboy packet March 13, 2022

coke penis

When you sniffed enough coke to the point the blood cant get through your penis properly due to the vessels being restricted from the drug. Leaves you with a small floppy dick.

Was on the gear all night and ended up with coke penis couldnt even have a wank!

by Bigboy packet November 27, 2021