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Super Mario 64

The best damn game ever

Super Mario 64 is the best damn game in the world

by Biggest Dick Rick February 19, 2018

26πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


When heҀ™s one of your homies but heҀ™s also a homosexual.

Tim: This is my homiesexual Ralph
Albert: Homiesexual?
Ralph: IҀ™m a homosexual and also his homie.

by Biggest Dick Rick June 2, 2018


To know the truth that Jesus Christ is the Son of Man sent to humanity to for the forgiveness of their sins.

Jesse is Christpilled

by Biggest Dick Rick November 14, 2020

124πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


To know the truth that Jesus Christ is the Son of Man sent to humanity to for the forgiveness of their sins.

Jesse is Christpilled

by Biggest Dick Rick November 14, 2020

43πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž