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Toast addict, usally eats many houndreds of toast per. day
Kifer would say: "Jeg så han vente" without seeing him vent. making everybody fucking insane.

Omg when I grow up I want to be a KIFER.

by BigwillyMan6969 October 14, 2020


It is the most destructive word in Punjab. It is known to be the T-Series secret weapon in the war against PewDiePie and the 9-year-old army.

Pewdiepie: Your mom a bitch lasagna ( T-series almost dies)
T-series: Baka
PewDiePie: Nani!?
T-series: Penchod ( It had no efect)

by BigwillyMan6969 March 25, 2019

6👍 13👎