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religious right

A movement that is neither. A 1980’s to 1990’s effort by Christian fundamentalist extremists to preempt government by undermining the basic separations of church and state. A group of like minded individuals – see Southern Baptists – who somehow became fixated with an extreme fundamentalist view of Christianity and are dead set on ramming it down the throats of everyone else.

The state of Virginia is a hot bed of the religious right, having the embarrassment of both Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.

by Bill Garnett July 22, 2004

354👍 218👎

Southern Baptist

A sect of Protestant Christianity in the south east United States that are known for their very Caucasian congregations, believe in the absolute word by word truth of the King James version of the Bible, and perpetuate themselves by having their deacons find replacement preachers that will not disturb their fundamentalist and far-right theology. Sect is characterized by rampant hypocrisy, prejudice, racial intolerance, bigotry, small-mindedness, and an unenlightened view of the world and social change.

Waspish country clubs without the tennis courts.

My uncle was a Southern Baptist preacher. He hated Jews, blacks, gays, and anyone on welfare; but he preached that Jesus loved everyone.

by Bill Garnett July 22, 2004

572👍 401👎


Small local convenience stores open 24/7 that tend to employ the bottom feeders of the labor pool, pay them below living wages, and have a suspiciously high turn over of employees. These stores sell every unhealthy impulse purchasable item that is legal: beer, tobacco, lottery tickets, tabloids, and high sugar content foods and beverages.

Hey, did you hear that there was another stick-up at the7-Eleven?

by Bill Garnett July 22, 2004

96👍 40👎

compassionate conservatism

A phrase coined by the Republicans for the 2000 presidential election in an effort to divert focus from the fact that in recent history the party had not been known for its compassion. Thus, a camouflage over reality, a diversion of attention from unflattering fact, a ruse, a marketing gimmick to cover up a weakness by asserting that you actually have the strength when you don’t.

“In his Inaugural Address, the President called on Americans to become citizens, not spectators. Since that time the President has used compassionate conservatism as his governing philosophy as the Administration has moved to tackle some of society's toughest assignments, such as educating our children, fighting poverty at home, and helping poor countries around the globe.”

by Bill Garnett July 22, 2004

40👍 11👎