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Information Systems

The major for people that aren't smart enough to handle computer science.

Typically involving idiots that want to work for a large company, sit in a cubicle, and work for people that don't typically understand a thing about computers (other than the fact that they can look at pr0n with them).

This is usually ok as a typical IS major is only a notch or two above their computer illiterate coworkers.

Typical IS tasks: Helping their boss figure out how to change the font on their word document, creating a 'database' using an Excel spreadsheet, helping their boss erase the lemonparty.com history item off their workstation.

While not all IS majors are bad or stupid people, the sad truth is that the bad and stupid ones often end up in charge of actual computer scientists because they 'know tech'

I wanted to work in computers but all that math, science, and actually understanding shit was too hard, so I went into Information Systems.

by Bill Krabb March 23, 2009

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