Gossip, arguments, or any conflict stirred up to keep people at each other's throat.
Those people down at that lodge like to keep up a lot of mess, that's why I don't go down there.
What some southern kids called Salmon Croquettes.
Mama fixed some salmon co-cakes today.
A social gathering from the past (it lasted at least to the 1960s and early 70s) where the people (usually black Americans) ate chitlins (chitterlings) and cole slaw. Red Rooster hot sauce was available to go on them. Most of the time you could get only one serving, and it always seemed at these times that the chitlins tasted extra good. The chitlin supper had to be given by a reputable individual though because it was often said: "You don't eat everybody's chitlins."
The usher read the announcement: "Martha Johnson will be having a Chitlin Supper this Saturday night to raise money for the church anniversary."
The putting back on of a dress after taking a dress off.
Carla had to do a redress after her boyfriend phoned back and told her their date was not canceled after all.