Cumali is when. After cuming in her mouth she spits the cum in a tissue or toilet paper and wads it up to dispose of or not. Therefore resembling a tamale
We had to hurry up last night. When I was done she made a cumali and whisked it away
A tired suprise is when your pumping him or her in the ass. You pull your dick out and there's a terd or a milk dud stuck on the cock and you wipe it off on the underside of a pillow
Me and Sally had a blast lastnight. But it got all weird I had to leave her a tired suprise
Cum squeegee is when she gets every last drop of seman off of your body till it's clean
Man she was a cum squeegee. There was no trace of it anywhere
Chilly willie is the Person who eats the icy mike an icy Mike being a frozen piss filled rubber
Last night I. Asked her to do a chilly willie