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A migit who is secretly plotting to overthrow the government and rule the world

Kelsea knows where you live.

by Birb-child-mwahaha May 15, 2023

7👍 2👎


(Note before I start: I am not a furry or an anti furry, and I have been friends with both, this is truly an unbiased and true opinion.)

A furry is someone who is interested to some degree about anthropomorphic animals. Furries can show this by drawing, dressing up and doing non advertiser friendly things on the internet with said content. It ranges with the furry tho, so some might do THAT stuff and others might just like the look of anthro characters.

Furries tend to be really cringe in real life though, even though they will call anyone who says so an anti-fur, it is the truth. Sometimes they get bullied for it as send death threats to people who just say something like “the furry fandom is slightly cringe” bc it’s true, and if you are a furry and you reply to that person with “WHY ARE YOU POINTING OUT SOMETHING THAT DOESNT EVEN MATTER!!! SO WHAT IF ITS CRINGE! YOUR JUST A HATER! AND I DONT. NEED. YOU. IN. MY. LIFE!!” Then you played yourself cuz it matters enough that you replied to them.

Idk what else to add I lost motivation

Random furry: hello! I like drawing anthro characters! Take a look at my fursona :3!!!

Anti-fur: omg ur a cringe furry! Pls get off this website before we catch ur furry disease!

Furry: DIE BI~

Random victim: pls stop you are both in the wrong ok let’s move on

by Birb-child-mwahaha July 20, 2023