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VERB : To sing along to sappy 80s soft rock tunes in a mournful manner.

VERB, slang: To knock a body part off of a shelf.

Greg bizarroed all the way up to Wisconsin and back.

Slang: I was ok until he bizarroed my bladder.

by Birbo January 27, 2005

9👍 51👎


The odorous urine produced by eating asparagus.

"I totally forgot what I had for dinner until I caught a whiff of my asparapee later!"

by Birbo May 12, 2009

2👍 1👎


To demean and belittle in a soothing and pleasant fashion.

I thought my boss was about to give me a raise the way he was talking so nice to me, but then he turned and krebesed me and gave me the axe!.

by Birbo January 27, 2005

7👍 3👎

Cheese Plaff

After biting into cheesey food and pulling it from your mouth, a long strand falls across your chin, resulting in a cheese plaff.

I had Pappa John's last night and think I got a third degree burn on my chin from a vicious cheese plaff.

by Birbo March 26, 2019