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Homo (Homosexual)

homo (homosexual) people are 10,000,000,000 times better than all y'all heteros (heterosexuals). if you didn't know, heterosexual is straight.

hi. i am a Homo (Homosexual) person. i am better than y'all.

by Bisexual and bitchy. November 16, 2021


Alex is the type of person to pick you up when you're feeling down. Alex is a combonation of the friend group's parent, clown and designated therapist. Alex is cute, intelligent, sweet, kind, and if you're lucky is into some kinky shit.

Alex is most likely a kind of 'dere'. More commonly seen, is either a Tsundere or a Sadodere. A Yandere is not as common but not super rare as well.

Alex is 100% down for all inclusivity and is usually an ally to the LGBTQIAPD+ community, if he/she/they/(dont remember the rest) aren't already part of said community.

While Alex seems happy, and cool on the outaide, Alex is slowly dying on the inside. Probably from a combo of stress from work/school/life in general, anxiety, and depression.

(Fem Alex)

Josh: Bro. Not only does Alex have a bangin body, but she is smart too.
Michal: I know right! To bad she is dating Samara.

(Masc Alex)

Sophia: Omg tiff. Alex is like, soooooo hot. Not to mention he is capitan of the wrestling team.

Tiffany: Yea. And i heard he's single too.

Heather: Omg you guys are talking about Alex? Who cares? Let's hit up the mall!
Sophia and Tiffany: Shut up heather!

(Gender neutral Alex)

Therapist: So Alex. Whats in your mind today?
Alex: I don't know. I'm just feeling really sad and depressed lately. Stress from night classes and work is pushing me over the edge. I'm struggling to make ends meet and on top of it all, my friend group thinks i'm nothing but a shit faced, two-timing, back-stabbing whore.

(Dont automatically assume people are okay.)

by Bisexual and bitchy. July 10, 2022