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Kid who doesn’t give a shit about anything but him/her self. Also a motherfucking bitch who watches porn, also a chotch who has a bitchy personality that makes him watch too much porn and r rated shit. Biggest motherfucking bithchy cunt dickhead arrogant, also know as Fuck boy. He also can not keep a fucking secrète for his shity ass life. He’s a fucking stupid little bitch that eats poopoo.he can fucking kiss my ass becuase he is a Little BITCH ANF HE IS A LONER ANDHAS NO FRIENDS AT ALL BECAUSE he sucks dicks. He pisses everyone the hell off, and he wines like a fucking baby. He’s a stupid little boy who calls people names not knowing that he’s the one that is everything he calls the other people, because he watches porn, he has become a hoe, a big fat hoe. He thinks he is so cool but really he is not. He’s also a big dick faggot and cock sucker.

#bramble #bitch #selffish #porn

Juan. Dude can help me if you don’t ill fail my grade

by Bitchdont esswith e December 11, 2017

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