Terminology used in Game of Thrones Conquest, specifically referring to a player named Patty. The term "Pull a Patty" is used while someone has a lack of. Most common is the lack of: troops, food or gold. To "Pull a Patty" one must ask for the mentioned things or cheat their way to get them.
"I am gonna pull a Patty!" Used while you plan on cheating or asking to get gold, troops or food.
"Oh no, he's pulling a Patty." Used when you see someone cheating or asking for gold or food
This terminology is used specifically while referring to Game of Thrones Conquest, shortly termed as GOTC. It serves as a reference of a player that asks, cheats to get what they miss; either being troops, food or gold.
"I'm gonna pull a Patty!" Used when someone is about to drop the clan and cheat for a ticket.
"Are you gonna pull a Patty?" Can be used when seone has no troops to join rally, asks for food or is invited to cheat to get gold.