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A gaseous discharge consisting of methane and hydrogen sulfide that when expelled, produced a sound like that of a horn.

Do you really need an example? Well, ok.

by BlastMaster September 22, 2003

21πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Short vegetation that grows over large areas, usually green. Grass may vary in lenth, texture, width, and color. Most areas in front of a home are covered with grass.

You can try to smoke that grass, but I bet it won't do anything.

by BlastMaster May 18, 2003

1191πŸ‘ 583πŸ‘Ž


The part of a vacuum tube that controls the electron flow. Often two posts with a wire wrapped around them to form a ladder-like structure.

Some tubes need a grid bias, and some don't.

by BlastMaster June 16, 2003

40πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


The anode in a vacuum tube; the surface to which electrons are attracted.

If you use the 201A tube as an amplifier, you should give it a plate voltage of 90 volts.

by BlastMaster June 16, 2003

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A trademark appearing on vacuum tubes manufactured by National Union.

by BlastMaster June 20, 2003

13πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


A measurement system based on crap.
The smallest unit = the turd.
5 turds = 1 pile
5 piles = 1 crapload
5 craploads = 1 shitload
5 shitloads = 1 buttload
5 buttloads = 1 assload
5 assloads = 1 cesspool

This pool contains about 1200 assloads of water.

by BlastMaster September 23, 2003

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

OPEC consists of Venezuela, Algeria, Nigeria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Indonesia.

40% of our oil comes from OPEC.

by BlastMaster May 20, 2003

100πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž