Source Code

snake eyes

- rolling double 1's (2 in total) on the first roll of a street dice game. If this happens the roller loses all his bet automatically, and screams SNAKE EYES in frustration.
- intimidating eyes like a snake
- eyes of a snake

1: *amidst the street dice circle*
Juan Sanchez: ALL IN
Raul Lopez: I CALL

*JS rolls double one's*

RL: You lose! I may now live la dolce vita!

That mofo keeps on lookin away when i stare him down... he know's not to mess with the snake eyes

That python has some crazy ass snake eyes

by Blazin Hazen August 4, 2006

85πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


no. (if said in a sarcastic tone)

1: Would you bone Genevieve?
2: Yep!
1: Dude, why not?..

by Blazin Hazen June 8, 2007

10πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

99% free fat

- The opposite to 99% fat free.
- A fat chick usually with the following qualities:
a low self esteem
and very easy to snag

Macdonald's fries are 99% free fat, so are the "30-cent-cones" which now cost 50 cents

*in da club*
Bill: Look at that babe with her freind.
Mike: Damn! pity her freind is gelatin.
Bill: Take one for the team Mike, it's your turn.
Mike: OK, this wont be hard seeing as she is 99% free fat
Me: Word

by Blazin Hazen August 4, 2006

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

I Beg to Differ

A nerdy way of saying "what you said was bullshit"

Guy1: 2+2=4
Guy2: I beg to differ

by Blazin Hazen October 15, 2006

786πŸ‘ 189πŸ‘Ž

wilt chamberlain

to sleep with 10000 women in one's lifetime.

i had already wilt chamberlained when i was 11 years old.

by Blazin Hazen August 14, 2006

269πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž


the third level of law-enforcement - police are known to be the 5-0, security gaurds and bouncers (club security) constitute the 4-0 - whereas the 3-0 represents school teachers or other citizens who are on the look out for people up to no good.

pronounced "three-oh"

Ay dawg, lets cut class.
No dice, the 3-0 are out in force patrolin today, we'll get busted fo sho.

by Blazin Hazen August 4, 2006

9πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Blazin Hazen

Also known as "the average homeboy" and "Denny Blaze". Blazin Hazen is a rapper - a whack one it might be added but a rapper nonetheless - who has released a number of albums including "Hot to Trot", "Bam Boom" and "Blazin". He has reinforced the stereotype that (almost all) white men cannot rap.His rap comes off as a joke, yet nobody can say for certain whether the Average Homeboy is for real.
Hazen claims that "Once you hear my demo you'll just be BLAZED". Luckily for him the meaning of BLAZED is ambiguous.
Find out more about Denny Blaze at www.blazinhazen.com/

- (verb): to "gay it up" or the act of being whack.

"Their screamin my name cause I burn the feet
the ladies go crazy when I turn the beat" - Blazin Hazen

Carlo, if you ever Blazin Hazen again I'll shoot you in the nuts.

by Blazin Hazen August 5, 2006

24πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž