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Keyboard Kids

When you know someone who does not clean their computer keyboard and the keys stick all the time.

"I was over at brians house trying to redo my resume on his computer and the keys kept sticking... you just know he has been making keyboard kids"

by Blazn Sykwitit November 16, 2017

Denzil Ov Plymouth

Denzil Ov Plymouth is the name of a funny person who makes others laugh by his shit-posting memes. He is a very nice guy and will do anything to make others laugh. At highschool parties he is the guy who would draw memes on paper and pass them out to people. He would wrap them on drink cups, tape them on your back and stash them in your pants pockets when you were passed out

Person: Omg dude is Denzil Ov Plymouth going to be at the party? My meme stash is low.
Person 2: Fuck yeah. Any minute now we can reload on that sweet sweet meme drug.

*Denzil Ov Plymouth walks in*
Denzil Ov Plymouth: I have arrived and have some fresh shitposts you will like. Drink up bitches.

by Blazn Sykwitit August 11, 2019