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Acronym for This Is South Africa. Term expressing affectionate resignation regarding a person, miscellaneous event or the general state of affairs in the southernmost country on the African continent. Used by the cool Capetonian kids on the street. Etymology: this word can be traced back to the earlier acronym TIA (This Is Africa) - as referenced, for example, by Leonardo DiCaprio's character in the successful film 'Blood Diamond' - which was given a regional twist in 2015. Coined by a blonde English girl who couldn't believe no one had said this before and thought it was amazeballs. Adopted by a core group after initial fierce resistance from a few doubters, this term is gradually becoming increasingly popular in the Eastern Cape as well as in the Mother City, naturally.

That train getting petrol bombed was seriously hectic. TISA.

by Blonde bergie November 26, 2015

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