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Nintendo ds vs. Sony PSP

Nintendo ds vs. Sony PSP is a big huge battle between the best handheld games ever released in history. I have the DS and I do not even care about the psp. All the PSP has is graphics and movies. Here are the complete definitions below.

DS: A handheld gaming system that has a 2 screens. One that is touch sensitive so you can draw and stuff on pictochat. It also has a microphone so in metroid prime u can talk to each other with ur voice which i just found out today and before I knew I really wanted a game that had that technology. It has great games that hold just as much as the psp discs and are about 5 times smaller. They measure about 1" by 1".

PSP: Again a portable gaming system that has good graphics (a little better than the DS) has specail games that are movies and is like the ps2 only handheld and better graphics. thats all I have to say

little kid watching TV sees a comercail for the Ds lite and says "Mommy! I want a DS lite!" The mom in the kitchen is watching another TV and says "Honey, the PSP looks better though!" The little kid tells his mom to go to target and when in the gaming section they see only 3 Ds's for $129.99 and they see 13 PSPs for $230 the little kid looks at both and says Mommy, we should call Sony and say that they need to get a good console like the DS or wii both made by nintendo. Nintendo may have been around for 100+ years but since that first realease of Donkey Kong they have rocked the video gaming world. Sony, However is not focused just on video games. They have sound systems and TVs to because of that they have gone off track. Anyway the little kid gets the DS and plays it 247 and has had a seziure because he played it so much. Nintendo DS vs. Sony psp. Who wins? Nintendo DS.

by Bloomie July 11, 2006

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