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Super Famicom

The super famicom or スーパーファミコン was a 16-bit Nintendo console that was only released in japan in 1990.

It’s basically just a Japanese Super Nintendo(SNES).

“I just bought a Super Famicom”

by Bludaku June 10, 2020


The Satellaview was a Super Famicom add-on, made in 1995. It’s purpose was to broadcast Game data that can be downloaded.

“I bet you’ve never heard of a Satellaview!”

by Bludaku June 10, 2020


That one Spongebob joke in that Essay episode

“The... Break time!”

by Bludaku June 12, 2020


(Something someone says) that is someone says is true, but its false.

(Hopefully this makes sense)

“You lied to your wife?”

by Bludaku June 10, 2020


Someone or something that is too niche

Nitche isn’t a real word yet, but hopefully it could be.

“This may be a nitche job”

by Bludaku June 11, 2020

Urban Dictionary

Why did you search this? You’re on it right now!

“I’m gonna go to Urban Dictionary”

by Bludaku June 10, 2020

zumexihmapholius bekzumiyxphilifxyminahus

every medicine ingredient's name

"this medicine contains zumexihmapholius bekzumiyxphilifxyminahus"

by Bludaku December 15, 2020