After sending a full portion of Erectoplasm in to your partners menstruating front bottom, pop 2 fingers in to her angry kebab to harvest the forbidden salty Jam and wipe it across her forehead with 2 fingers while saying "Quimba" In your best James Earl Jones impression just like the lion King
After ploughing Jane for 15 minutes, Tarquin shot his load and pulled out a only to realise in disgust that she had come on, as an act of revenge he carried out a Quimba manouver to teach her a lesson.
A small disk of hardened spunk that can be skimmed through the air like a Frisbee
James and cuthbert used to love skimming jizbees at each other across the garden
The clear sap like liquid that pools at your japs eye prior to jetting your jizz - pre-cum
As Mary was nostril deep in his plumbs and giving him a vigorous prostate massage, he started oozing jap sap
The white and congealed "lady yoghurt" found within the folds of the labia of a lady with particularly poor personal hygiene within the confines of her stench trench.
Bloody hell Doris, I don't care how long you have noshed me off for, I'm not going to lick that, it's full of trout grout.