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Street Chicken

noun - Winged, city-dwelling dirty-birdy; also known as a PIGEON to the majority of the USA.

The Street Chicken is often shunned and avoided by most of us, most likely because of its tendency to live in rather filthy and seemingly plague-ridden conditions. Alternately, within the transient/homeless population of dense urban areas, they are considered to be quite the fine delicacy.

Hobo Moe: Hey Jack! I ain't been able ta squeeze no cash from these pancakin' rich folks 'round here n' I'm hongry.. Whatcha say we go......huntin'?

Hobo Joe: nnnnrrrratchet!! nnnrrrrBALLS!!! Ahh, yeah I'm witcha on that. I got mah huntin' gear right 'ere. nnnnrrrflakjacket!!

(Hobo Joe pulls a long, strangely twisted wire-hanger from a large drawstring bag; the end of the hanger is twisted into a small loop, probably so as to catch a fleeing street chicken by the neck)

Hobo Moe: Okay buddy, I got mine, too. Let's get to it; I can already taste it! And I already got us some Street Seasoning.

Hobo Joe: Oh me too! Over at the In 'n Out lot nnnnrrrcrchalkfinger!!! Hey I see a flock of 'em right over there; LET'S GET 'EM nnnrrrrrCRAPCAKES!!!

Hobo Moe: AAAAAHHHHH! (charging the flock)

Hobo Joe: homina homina homina woob woob woob nyuck nyuck nyooooo.....

by Blue Oxygen October 31, 2009

13👍 5👎

Street Seasoning

noun - any of a large variety of flavorful particles, crumbs, and dust found in and around city streets, alleyways, gutters, cracks in the pavements, and most often - the bottoms of restaurant dumpsters.

Street Seasoning works particularly well on Street Chicken, adding an earthy, street-funk-spice to the otherwise bland Street Chicken's meat: the notorious Meat of the Dirty Birdy.

Many such urban connoisseurs have been known to season their rations of scavenged food (to taste) as the composition, quality, and ratio of particles in the seasoning varies greatly from harvest to harvest.

Box Bob: So whatcha got goin' fer the Street Seasoning right there?

Street Pete: Alls I needs is 'bout 2 parts pavement-dust ta add ta mah dumpster-cheese/alley-oregano/gutter-butter, and mah seasonin's will be prime-time tip-top tasty-ness!

Box Bob: Aw man, I'm gettin' hongry just thinkin' bout it! We gots some Street-Chicken left from yestaday, and a lil' dumpster-puddin' fer dessert!

Street Pete: Oh hells yeah, pal! Let's get ta grubbin'!

by Blue Oxygen October 31, 2009

7👍 1👎