Source Code


To get told off or to "be schooled", "burned", or to "get served".

Man! He got demuffed. That's so tizoe.

by Bluestorm100 October 14, 2004

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


An offensive term for a black person. Similar in weight to nigger.

Damn Jigaboo! He stole my car!

by Bluestorm100 June 8, 2005

483πŸ‘ 214πŸ‘Ž

Abercrombie and Fitch

Abercrombie and Fitch started out as a hunting, fishing, safari, camping,and outdoor store in New York City in the 1800's. It was originally Abercrombie, but eventually David Abercrombie partnered with a man named Ezra Fitch,a regular customer and lawyer, thus forming Abercrombie and Fitch. Over the years, Abercrombie and Fitch became one of the nations largest sporting goods suppliers, in fact, it even outfitted Charles Lindbergh for his historic flight across the Atlantic in 1927. In 1978, Abercrombie is bought by Oshman's sporting goods. In 1988 it was sold to another company,The Limited. By this time, it had become the Abercrombie that we know today, selling clothing. It became a dormant company for a few years and then was spun off from The Limited and became it's own company again, Abercrombie and Fitch. It made a come back and became popular nationwide. Today Abercrombie and Fitch owns several other clothing companies, Hollister Co.,Abercrombie(the kids version of Abercrombie and Fitch), and Ruehl 925, a small clothing store based in New York City's Greenwich village. It is slowly expanding into several other cities.
Today A&F has 363 Abercrombie and Fitch stores,176 Abercrombie stores,249 Hollister Co. stores, 4 Ruehl 925 stores, making a tottal of 792 tottal stores across 4 brands.
Soon it will be opening 3 more Ruehl 925 stores.

Cool Guy: I love A&F!
Hott Chick: I know, now let's make out! PAssionatly!

by Bluestorm100 March 23, 2005

1753πŸ‘ 884πŸ‘Ž

Abercrombie and Fitch

A trendy clothing store that models a casual, classic, cool lifestyle and nice looking clothes. They specialize in vintage and worn clothing. They typically play loud, stylish music and have very nice store setups. All the people that slam A&f just wish that they bought their clothes there. They are also the owner of Hollister Co., a company marketed to high school age students that projects a California beach lifestyle. A great store!

Dude: Abercrombie rocks, I love that place
Hot Girl: I know, it rocks!

by Bluestorm100 February 1, 2005

202πŸ‘ 178πŸ‘Ž

Abercrombie and Fitch

A tottaly awesome clothing store for people who actually have a sense of style and know a little bit about how to dress themselves,oh and how could I forget, people who know what's in and hott. Punks and goths claim that Abercrombie and Fitch is an overpriced "prep" store, but really are insecure about themselves. They all claim that Abercrombie is too expensive, when if you walk into Hot Topic and pick up a pair of black, baggy, chained jeans, you see that they cost just as much as a pair or Abercrombie jeans. Abercrombie and Fitch started out as a hunting, fishing, safari, camping,and outdoor store in New York City in the 1800's. It was originally Abercrombie, but eventually David Abercrombie partnered with a man named Ezra Fitch,a regular customer and lawyer, thus forming Abercrombie and Fitch. Over the years, Abercrombie and Fitch became one of the nations largest sporting goods suppliers, in fact, it even outfitted Charles Lindbergh for his historic flight across the Atlantic in 1927. In 1978, Abercrombie is bought by Oshman's sporting goods. In 1988 it was sold to another company,The Limited. By this time, it had become the Abercrombie that we know today, selling clothing. It became a dormant company for a few years and then was spun off from The Limited and became it's own company again, Abercrombie and Fitch. It made a come back and became popular nationwide. Today Abercrombie and Fitch owns several other clothing companies, Hollister Co.,Abercrombie(the kids version of Abercrombie and Fitch), and Ruehl 925, a small clothing store based in New York City's Greenwich village. It is slowly expanding into several other cities.
Today A&F has 363 Abercrombie and Fitch stores,176 Abercrombie stores,249 Hollister Co. stores, 4 Ruehl 925 stores, making a tottal of 792 tottal stores across 4 brands.
Soon it will be opening 3 more Ruehl 925 stores.

Cool Guy with sense of Style who knows how to dress himself: Wow, A&F rocks!
Tottaly Hott Abercrombie Chick:Oh, I know, now lets makeout!

by Bluestorm100 March 11, 2005

94πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


1. Awesome or the act of being awesome
2. Great sex or the act of great sex
3. I agree
4. sex in general

Man! That's so tizoe!
Last night I had great tizoe.
Tizoe my brotha.( I agree my Afro American freind.)

by Bluestorm100 October 14, 2004

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Monkey on your back

To have an addicction, especially a drug addiction.

Man, he's got a monkey on him back! He's so wasted!

by Bluestorm100 March 13, 2005

319πŸ‘ 156πŸ‘Ž