1. (n) An annoyingly narcissistic person/persons who thinks they are the best at everything.
Tyler County shitbags can't hold a job and usually have no money. They will gladly tell you this, because according to them, it is most likely your duty to pay their bills.
The only way to combat a Tyler County shitbag during a social outting if you are unfortunate enough to encounter one, is to try and talk over them. This should be done with caution and is not recommended for socially inexperienced or inept people. The act of being louder than a Tyler County shitbag by itself can leave one gasping for breath and hoarse. This action will also be met with extreme prejudice by the shitbag, as well as by your peers at your social gathering, as you are now the loudest one in the room, bar none; expect the locals to have blocked out the Tyler County shitbag and commonly be immune to his lies and unbelievably thick bullshit.
2. (n) a Cory.
Tyler County shitbags are commonly refered to as Cory's by life long Tyler County residents.
Overheard from a Tyler County shitbag:
"The stupid fucks at Guiness Records know all about me man! They just hate that I keep better records of shit than they do. Biggest reason really is that they don't want to pay their publisher to put out an entirely new book, so they just keep hating on this Cory."
1. (n) Generic name for an asshole that shows up unannounced at your house and runs off any decent folk in cyclical patterns with an ever increasing level of speed and douchery.
2. (n) A Tyler County shitbag.
That fucking Cory showed up last night and started changing Murphy's laws to fit his conversation. That Cory is the reason we have gravity ya know.... What a shitbag.
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