Source Code

nut needles

The short stubbly pubes leftover when a man decides after a week it's no longer a good idea to shave his balls.

"We can't do it right now. Your nut needles keep stabbing my ass."

by Bob the Dog August 21, 2005

28👍 9👎


One resembling skidmarks upon the undershorts of life.

Osama, you are such a shitstain.

by Bob the Dog March 11, 2006

83👍 36👎

shit sammich

Esophogeal emanations from oral orifice which cause victims to think a person has recently consumed a sandwich filled with feces: A person whose breath smells so bad it is as though they ate a shit sammich for lunch.

"YO! Shit sammich, go brush your friggin teeth!"

by Bob the Dog August 20, 2005

11👍 3👎


Payton is a blonde girl that is very anxious and enjoys sports. She will most likely like boys with the name P or L. She is very awkward but is fuckin beautiful and doesn’t know it.

“Fuck man Payton is hot as shit but she doesn’t think she is.”

“Payton sucked my dick last night and it was Da bomb”

by Bob the Dog March 7, 2018


The words uttered by anyone who has just slammed their thumb/finger with a hammer. Can also be used as a derogatory term when speaker is stumped for a suitable comeback.

"Is your dick really that small?"
"Screw you, bitchfacewhoredog!"

by Bob the Dog August 21, 2005

10👍 9👎

John Kerry

Anyone acting in a wishy washy, indecisive manner.

Quit bein' a John Kerry and pick a friggin' drink, willya?

by Bob the Dog March 11, 2006

107👍 597👎


An acronym that stands for "sleepy-boo protection squad gc"
A Twitter groupchat responsible for shenanigans such as #DreamsSwollenBalls, guessing eachothers scents, and analyzing lookalike c0rn together.

"Spsgc is so gay /neg"

"Dude, did you see #DreamsSwollenBalls on the tl?"
"Yeah, It must've been that spsgc again!"

by Bob the Dog November 1, 2021