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B is for the beauty that she has; she is probably the most beautiful girl you will EVER lay eyes on but she doesn’t understand it herself. And can we talk about her form? She has muscles (stronger than most boys), skinny, but she’s got curves (particularly in her booty, she’s got one butt). Her brown hair and brown eyes perfectly define her facial features and everything about her is just perfect!

E if for the education she has; she is the smartest girl in her grade and doesn’t even have to try to be smart, she just is. Plus, all of the teachers love her and she’s definitely their favorite!

L is for the laughter she has within her. She’s just a happy person and will laugh at anything! Just being around her makes you 10 times happier than you were before!

L is for the love that she has for specific people, her family, her friends, and her significant other. She loves everyone to death and would do anything for them. Anyone who gets the chance to be a part of her love, is the luckiest person ever to walk this earth.

A is for the amazing life she is going to lead, she’s got a great life set out for herself and nothing is going to stop her from getting there. One day she is going to be a great wife, mother, and grandmother. Just you wait.

If you know a Bella, thank God that you do because she really is phenomenal.

Person 1: You know Bella?

Person 2: Oh, yeah. I wish she would talk to me. She’s the love of my life.

Person 1: Isn’t she everyone’s? Bro, just go talk to her. She’s even hotter up close and she’s really nice. Just go for it!

Person 2: I don’t know. She’s just so stunning.

Person 1: Shut up and go!

by Bobbi Dean Joel April 18, 2018

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