Omaatla is a Loving Bitch but can also be a Hoe like no other.But shes actually nice deep deep down inside.Omaatla also goes by the name bluey,And is a huge slender when it comes to imposter.
A couple that are always making fun of others and hate anybody else but they self's.Buy they sometime are nice but very little.Normaly Mpumi and Muneiwa.
Mupumi is the worst and best couple out there.
A surname that belongs to Sugaboi aka nassir but everyone think you pronounce it zizooooo
That's how you pronounce zizhou
A young couple normal the names Nassir and Ororiseng they have unconditional love and are a perfect match. They apologize to eachother lile no other.They are both pretty short but are definitely crackhead and are very caring.
Guys that narriseng couple is amazing!
Sugaboi is the BIGGEST slender you will even know but always gets blamed but not as much Bobby.Guys you must be careful around Sugaboi.