To Eurasianize means to increase the Eurasian character (of a person, era, civilization etc.)
They eurasianized their roots
To eurasianize is to combine elements of eurocentrism and asiacentrism into a single anthropological viewpoint or unit.
They eurasianized their thesis
An adelpho is someone who practises adelphogamy, i.e. consanguinamorous marriage between siblings. An adelpho is especially a romantic relationship between brother and sister
she's an adelpho, meaning into her brother
Isaaqnimo, i.e. isaaq nationalism, is a bulwark against Harti nationalism, i.e. hartinimo.
she had Isaaqnimo on lockdown
Darawiish monarchy is an absolutist monarchical form of governance in SSC-Khatumo, wherein the garaad holds absolute power over SSC-Khatumo affairs
The darawiish monarchy has existed in several periods of Nugaal history
Consangism is the promotion and advocacy of the normalization of consanguinamorous relations, i.e. romance between relatives and family.
His stance was one o consangism
A Hartiphobe is someone who harbours hostility towards the Harti tribal national state, specifically Puntland and SSC-Khatumo.
she's a hartiphobe