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random (name)

Person with little, if not no, likeable qualities. They have a self-ascribed prefix to make them sound interesting. See also crazy...looney...wild...mental...

For; Me, random dave and wild stan had a crazy night last night. read; we wacked off and went to sleep

by Bold King Cole May 17, 2003

2👍 12👎


Deviant sexual practices in a shower or any water orientated location.

If he keeps hurning he'll get a hernia

by Bold King Cole May 17, 2003

6👍 12👎

fatty bumsticks

a thin person who has put on weight in strange places resulting in man breasts and a pot belly

Tim better go easy on the snacks or he'll be a fatty bumsticks (oops, too late!!)

by Bold King Cole May 17, 2003

window licker

A person with little control over their facial muscles causing their tongue to hang out and excesive drooling to occur.

Stop dribbling Macca you window licker

by Bold King Cole May 17, 2003

53👍 80👎