Source Code


1). black guy

2.) common reference to having something (meaningful) in common. Used frequently to establish a KINSHIP with the salution.

3.) A (trade) UNION MEMBER recognized as such by another member of the same union or union local.

4.) A member of any (trade) union recognized as such by another union member (of any other trade union).
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1.) "Jimmy Hendrix was one psychedelic rock'n'roll BROTHER!
Lenny Kravitz is pretty cool, too."

2.) "Excuse me BROTHER, can you spare a dime?"

3.) "Hey BROTHER, when's the next union meeting?"

4.) "I see you're on strike BROTHER, and I won't cross a picket line.

by Bongo Cholomongo September 21, 2006

222πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž


1.) A catch-all name for a domestic stay-at-home wife.

2.) The name of the wife in the famous Salt Lake City Mormon family who adopted an abondoned circus chimp, Little Johnny in 1962.

3.) The female counterpart of the pioneering internet crime fighting duo of Rodriguez and Gladys. (Featured in Parade Magazine c. 1998)
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1.) That GLADYS is a hella woman y'got there, Mister Rogers.

2.) When the church refused to enroll Little Johnny, GLADYS went absolutely ape-fuckin' shit. But later, she got a lawyer and sued.

3.) C'mon GLADYS, let's go bust some child molesters with our internet sting operation. Or we can take their money. (Later copied by NBC's Dateline Show.)

by Bongo Cholomongo September 19, 2006

174πŸ‘ 289πŸ‘Ž

shittin' bananas

1.) Reference to excrementation / defecation in the form of a mushy mess; the result of a high banana diet.

2.) Euphemism for diarrhea OR constipation. Generally, bowel irregularity.

3.) Literally, shitting out a single banana repeatedly (or multiple bananas) from one's ass following insertion for amusement.

4.) A miserable condition resulting from a witch's curse.

5.) Slang term for the consequence of drinking too much chlorine bleach; causing one's turds to appear yellow like stinky bananas from the bleaching action.
<In attempts to defeat urine analysis>WARNING<Please, kids, never ever try this at home>
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1.) "Little Johnny (the adopted Mormon Circus Chimp) is SHITTIN' BANANAS all over the couch and the carpet. Get rid of him, Joe -- sell him! But try to get your monquisworth."

2.) CUSTOMER: "Excuse me, but I'm SHITTIN BANANAS. Can you help me?"
DRUGGIST: "Yes sir, what you need is blah blah. It'll fix you right up."

3.) "George, I really wish you had NOT shown me your little trick about you
SHITTIN' BANANAS. I'll never be able to think of you in the same way now.

4.) "Ever since Luke kicked over old Lady Johnson's flower's he's been SHITTIN' BANANAS. I think she sicked the demons on him.

5.) "Man, I really needed that job so I drank Clorox to help me pass the piss test and, dude! I'm SHITTIN' BANANAS now! And it ain't f*ckin' funny, dammit!

by Bongo Cholomongo September 20, 2006

38πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

shitting bananas

SEE "shittin' bananas"

or "voodoo doodoo"

or "Clorox OD"

"I be shitting bananas woman, What you put in m'food?"

by Bongo Cholomongo September 22, 2006

39πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

blah blah

1.) A stand-in all-purpose term for BORING DETAILS in a story.

2.) A (mumbled) substitution for some bit of information as a DODGE or a FAKE-OUT or as if the proper answer were too burdensome to speak. Used to avoid answering; or, as in "WHATYAMACALLIT" or "WHOSIT".

3.) An all-purpose REPLACEMENT for any WORD or NAME or such that is tacitly understood by those communicating. It is used to avoid actually having to say the "thing" that might not be cool for others to hear or know about i.e., in telephone conversations of a sensitive nature, in uncomfortably crowded places like elevator or subway.

4.) Similar to Hawaiian slang: "DA KINE" meaning practically anything for (lazy) convenience and loaded implicitly by context.
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1.) "Well, ... first we registered and paid admission ... BLAH BLAH ... And then the band came out just as we hit our seats. Shiz! It was the awesome almighty."

2.) HOMEY: DJ D'lish, who dat ho in d'caw wif you lass night?
DJ D'LISH: Aohh, that was just *(sometimes mumbled)* BLAH BLAH's sister, Homey. Ain't nuffin' to it, son.

3.) "So remember the plan, dog. Wait for BLAH BLAH to do his thing. 'Ite?"

4.) "Bra' man, ya got a lead on some BLAH BLAH? Yo, Cuz, I am bone-dry!

by Bongo Cholomongo September 20, 2006

63πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Little Johnny

That's the name of the famous Circus Chimp adopted by a Mormon family and legally adopted as a family member in 1962 after he was left behind in Salt Lake City as the Barnum and Bailey train headed west following their local appearance.

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"LITTLE JOHNNY, quit shittin' bananas on the couch, dammit!"
"Get your fingers outta yer ass, LITTLE JOHNNY. Don't go homo on me now!"
"Behave, LITTLE JOHNNY, or Gladys will make me get rid of you."
"I warned you not to be drinkin' out of my toilet, LITTLE JOHNNY."
"Bye-bye. Good bye, LITTLE JOHNNY. I loved you for awhile.

by Bongo Cholomongo September 19, 2006

44πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

secret ingredient

1.) The part of the recipe that is protected by lock and key so no one will copy the success of such a perfect concoction. Usually the SECRET INGREDIENT is what distinguishes the original article from phony wannabes, look-alikes and knock-offs similarly to the effect of "special sauce".

2.) Euphemism for something (anything) added to the mix (or to the take-out food order) that's not supposed to be in there. Added to accomplish crafty revenge, the SECRET INGREDIENT is usually undetected. But there's hell to pay if one is caught.
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1.) People have tried for years to copy the seasoning recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken to no avail. Colonel Sanders' SECRET INGREDIENT is worth millions.

3.) "I didn't work at Burger King for long, but if I ever saw a cop ordering a hamburger I always made sure it was a booger burger if I could get away with spittin' my SECRET INGREDIENT on the pickles.

by Bongo Cholomongo September 21, 2006

33πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž