The sound that a sewer rat makes when chasing.
"NENENENENE" Goes the sewer rat while chasing Amelia around...a room.
An insult meaning and old hag or annoying ex book club leader who thinks they own this universe. Usually parked waiting for someone to fish on a camels back in Idaho just to get them arrested because they held a grudge.
"See that old lady? She was acting like such a bigio to that employee!"
An onomatopoeia that you use to describe the feeling of seeing an animal that is so cute you want to squeeze it.
"That little puppy is so cute! Unts!"
The practice of the lemon gods. It might eventually become a complete thing but we must wait. So far there are 14 members
"Have you heard that Lemoneminem is an up and coming group?" Said stacy,I do not know a Stacy it's just a basic name