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Another name for Hitline, a channel on the Muzak business music service. Hitline plays only the shittiest top 40 pop and hip hop music they can find, hence the name Shitline. Quick, think of the shittiest song you know. That song probably plays on Shitline 400 times a day.

Shitline is supposed to play in some places, I'm sure, but most places it's heard is because one of the teenage girls on staff slinked back and changed the music from FM One or Hot FM while the manager was out. Just think about it, no self-respecting adult would willingly force their customers to listen to Nicki Minaj making god-only-knows-what-noises-those-are or Justin Bieber doing whatever he does at ear-piercing volumes through that heavily-distorting 50-year-old set of ceiling speakers. Maybe they would at Gitmo, but not at Denny's.

Karen's enjoyment of her high-quality meal at Applebee's was disturbed because Shitline was loudly blaring from the ceiling speakers.

by Booger Queen Dairy King January 27, 2021