A word that salty white boys are complaining about on urban dictionary because they can't use it. Rather than creating a word that black people cant use to even the odds.
White dude: why can't I use the n-word
Black dude: it's derived from nigger
White dude: but u guys can use it. So why can't use it around my friends
Black dude: are ur friends ur saying it to black
White dude: no
Black dude: Well okay it doesn't make sense but you can do what u want
White dude: hell yeah
5 minutes later
White dude: Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga
Black Savages: the f*** you say white boy
White dude: uhh
Honestly I don't care if white people say it . Just say it within reason. I think some black people who don't like white people saying probably fear that they'll say it too much. And if ur gonna use an excuse to say nigga as a white person dont use the dividing races bullshit, cause then u should be against the word being used at all