A character from the animated show "Boondocks". Uncle Ruckus is a black man who worships the white race and abhors all others but predominantly blacks. His jokes and stereotypes of blacks are as humorous as they are offensive. The Boondocks is notorious for metaphors within characters and scenes. Uncle Ruckus is no exception and the ingenuity of his character is perhaps one of the greatest to grace any form of media. The metaphor behind his character is the older generation of non-blacks (asians and hispanics can be racist against blacks also) who still cling to their prejudices against blacks. The character of Uncle Ruckus is successful in portraying that part of society in an insulting manner while remaining humorous just like his comments about the black race. Uncle Ruckus is also a conflicting character since at times he admits to being black but denies it at other points in the series. This also serves as a metaphor for people who lie about their heritage or begin to hate their own to become another one. Uncle Ruckus embodies some of the worst aspects of society in a comical fashion.
Uncle Ruckus is being interviewed at the opening of black owned restaurant (the following is not verbatim).
Uncle Ruckus, "Now if there's one thing a black man knows how to do, it's cook a pig. That's not to say a white man couldn't do it better. He's just too busy saving the world and building spaceships.
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