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Nazir is the type of person you can talk to for hours, he’s amazing and will be there for you no matter what. he’s always around for you. he never gets mad or upset. but be careful his main word is treesh but once you meet one there’s no turning back he’s the type of friend that is there for life. and really respect g cause once he loses respect for you it’s gone. oh and he’s mad cute and funny :)

nazir thinks he big crip over there

by Bourbon September 9, 2019

16👍 4👎


A describing word used in reference to a skanky behavior. Also, can be used in reference to clothing, hair, etc. It's ALWAYS a good thing.

Whew, I was being MAD skankericious around Freduardo last night.


Ooooh, I love your hair! Tres skankericious.

by Bourbon February 21, 2008