Source Code

muddy windows

A process more "intimate" than the glass bottom boat. It involves releasing ones bodily waste through the anus on to the eye glasses of a loving admirer.

While Melissa was hitting the bong, I squatted quietly over Cory and gave him a close up of my Mexican dinner from last night.

While Melissa was hitting the bong, I squatted quietly over Cory and gave him a close up of my Mexican dinner from last night. He loves it when I give him muddy windows. I'm Lee.

by Box May 6, 2004

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

lazy ass

The lazy ass, related to the lazy eye, is a common affliction for the sleep-deprived. Whilst one glute may move perfectly normally, the other lacks ambition and direction. It often fails to move and may start twitching.

Tony- Man, Greg's lazy ass is really acting up today.
Diane- Teeheehee
Greg (as he stumbles around compensating for his rabmbunctious left buttock)- Shut up you guys, this is really uncomfortable.

by Box March 23, 2005

31πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

top drawer

an expression of utmost praise.

That shot was top drawer my good man.

by Box June 2, 2003

148πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


1.Young male part of the "hip-hop" culture.
2.Urban jungle warrior

Hey look at those zoots stealing your car!

by Box March 7, 2005

8πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž



One who is highly trained in the art of pleasing a woman through excessive touching in the genital region.


Gena- DAAAAAAAAAMN Craig is a MACHINE in the boudoir.
Candy (dreamily) - ya he's a true boxmaster.

by Box March 29, 2005

14πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A disease you might have if you shovel a snow-like material off your shoulders every five minutes

Dude, hawthorne is shedding. He must have scaleitis

by Box May 1, 2005

26πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

old school

the act of drinking many PBR's and Sparks in order to get fired up for an evening of drinking and ridiculous antics.

Being with out their girlfriends for the evening, Box, Lad and Roni did it up old school before karaoke at the saloon.

by Box March 12, 2003

3πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž