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Potato is a dull or boring person.

Johnny: I think I'll take a walk today because it's supposed to be nice outside.
Darcy: Potato.
Bill: Potato.
Fred: Potato.
Gina: Just bake and add cheese.

by Box Worm November 24, 2019

Clean freak

The mainstream definition of Clean freak is someone who is excessively clean. The underground definition of a Clean Freak is someone who will crawl under a random dude's desk and suck his dirty cock til it's clean.

Bill: I see Dave got a promotion. He must really be kissing the boss's ass?

Jay: Nope, he's just a Clean Freak.

by Box Worm November 25, 2019

10👍 5👎

Toe daddy

Toe daddy is a guy that sucks his girlfriend's toes for free pussy.

Mom: I notice you seem happy with Jerry, but I never see him buy you anything.

Camilla: That's just because he's my toe daddy.

Mom: Oh okay.

by Box Worm November 25, 2019


GMMASB means "go make me a sandwich bitch" and is used online to tell off obnoxious women.

Jane: Marriage isn't worth it. Why do I want a bunch of drama for a tiny piece of meat?


by Box Worm November 25, 2019

Polish blowjob

Polish blowjob is when a girl has a guy pull his dick out of her ass and gives him a blowjob.

Lisa: I would really be turned on if I could peg you tonight.

Dale: Only if you give me a Polish Blowjob first.

by Box Worm November 25, 2019


Smoker is a guy that likes to eat out his girlfriend's ass, so called because he puts his lips on her butt (compared to putting his lips on a cigarette butt).

Blonde Suzy: Why is Jace always following Bri around staring at her ass?

Dirty Dee: I think Jace might be a Smoker.

by Box Worm November 25, 2019


Asshole is someone that derives pleasure from being mean to others because they're miserable.

Ken: Jeremy is no fun to be around cause he is such an Asshole.

Dale: Misery loves company.

by Box Worm November 24, 2019