Tomcat is an older guy that sneaks into the homes of younger women for sex.
John: It looks like 40 year old Jay is robbing the cradle with this 18 year old girl named Bri.
Charley: Yup, Jay has always been a Tomcat, but one of these days that girl's parents are going to shoot him when they catch him.
Chat bang is just a fancy word for sexting someone online, however some people misuse the word by saying they were "chat banged" when a group of people trolled them.
I meet Kiera on and we liked each other, so she asked me if I wanted to chat bang. We chat banged for hours.
Cooter box is an alternate name for a female's vagina.
Jay: I love to eat out Jenny's Candy Box because I am such a Box Worm.
Jack: I prefer to flip them over and nail that Cooter Box.
Charlie: I'd rather just avoid my wife's drama and drink beer.
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Coy girls are girls that like to play a bunch of games before they'll put out.
Sam: Those girls over there are pretty decent-looking, but they play a bunch of games.
Jay: Yeah I hate Coy Girls. Lets go someplace else.
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Cherry pie means eating bloody pussy.
Jace: I told Haley to sit on my face, so she queened me, but she had her period and I ended up eating cherry pie.
Ray: She cherry pied you, huh? How did it taste?
Jace: A little undercooked.
Krampus is a bitter old man that's dangerous. The word comes from Austria and was used in reference to a demon-like creature that beats bad children at Christmas in order to scare other children into behaving.
Dale: I'm not messing with that 80 year old War Veteran over there. He is Krampus.
The mainstream definition of Bookworm is a someone who loves books or loves to read. The underground definition of bookworm is someone who loves to hang out in bookstores cause they want some dick.
Joe: I'm losing my mind because I need to nut!
Lewis: There are plenty of Bookworms around son. Go try Barnes & Noble.
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