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makeout drink

The pop / soda of your choice after a long intense makeout session. Usually is different from your normal pop / soda choice. And is always to be cold.

I usually drink pepsi, however after a long makeout session with my smokin' hot girlfriend my makeout drink of choice is an ice cold root-beer.

by Bozzzy February 10, 2009

43👍 15👎


A better meaning for the word "yes" Usually meaning that not only is the person agreeing to what you've asked but is also excited about it, when said in person it is usually followed by a fist pump It's also much sicker when the words creator Angela says it.

Person 1: "sex?"
Person 2: "yeus"

* Clearly illustrates person 2 is excited about having sexual intercourse *

by Bozzzy January 19, 2009

284👍 40👎

Premature Sending

Example 1:

When you are responding to a text message (or e-mail) and you get side-tracked or think of something else, and you click send prematurely.

Example 2:

You're typing / texting and you accidentally hit send

Usually doesn't make sense
Sometimes can have negative effects

person 1: So what are you up to this evening?
person 2: I'm go

*Person 2 demonstrates clear example of premature sending*

by Bozzzy May 22, 2009

23👍 6👎


One who only eats / enjoys vagina

Person 1: I enjoy all meats
Person 2: I'm a Vagiterian

by Bozzzy March 19, 2009

35👍 4👎