ManipuShame or ManipuShamed, is the state of being shamed back into old habits, after previously being told that very same habit was uncool. ManipuShamed is when a market is so oversaturated, that companies have to shame consumers in the other direction to buy an old trend. It is the art of shaming and manipulating someone at the same time, especially a consumer. It is specifically done to change buyer behavior or spending habits.
High-waisted jeans are back, because we are being ManipuShamed into the mom jeans we rejected for skinny jeans. A good pair of skinny jeans can last for decades. So, companies have to manipuShame us into buying something else, like an old trend, ie. high-waisted mom jeans. High waisted jeans are not new at all. Companies manipulated us to stop buying high-wasited jeans, by calling them "mom jeans". We stopped buying mom jeans 10 years ago, in favor of skinny jeans. Companies can't sell more skinny jeans, because everyone now has a pair. So companies have to manipuShame us back into buying loose-fitting, high-waisted jeans, ie. mom jeans. How else will companies make money?
Frymail is a mass email sent on Friday after 5pm. It is sent on a Friday evening due to its low priority. It is sent on Friday evening to avoid annoying people who have better things to do other than read mass emails during the week. Likewise, it is totally acceptable to delete Frymail immediately, without offending the sender.
We just want a general consensus, so send it as Frymail.
It was Frymail so I deleted it.
I sent it as Frymail, so you can delete it.
A treatable illness caused by over consumption of right-wing media. Symptoms include paranoia, fear, outrage, and in severe cases, physical violence. Not limited to TV, Foxitis can be contracted through a toxic diet of right-wing social media platforms, podcasts, and talk radio. Foxitis is reinenforced in the brain by algorithms that drive recommended content. The disease is not permanent. Successful treatment includes deliberate exploration of other media, especially foreign outlets (BBC, ITV, CBC) that offer diverse views of how and why the world works. Deliberate consumption of diverse views changes the patientâs social media algorithms, thereby changing the course of the illness. Also see Foxmania.
I now realize I was suffering from Foxitis at Thanksgiving, when I called my cousin (who works on Wall Street) a socialist communist.
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Frymailing is sending mass emails on a Friday after 5pm. No one takes mass mail seriously, when it is sent on a Friday evening. So in terms of etiquette, it is totally okay to Frymail, as long as it is done after 5pm on a Friday. Likewise, it is completely acceptable to immediately delete a Frymail, without offending the sender.
I will Frymail the link to vote for chips or popcorn. I don't want to be that person sending out annoying mass emails during the week. frymailinganti spam email etiquettemass mailing