Source Code

nappy-headed ho

Suggested lyrics for a death-metal song which should be played on a spark transmitter which spams the entire radio area of the electromagnetic spectrum, and puritanical dictators heads will be strapped to the biggest, loudest speaker at the metal concert until they get the concept of true freedom through their lead-shielded skull.

<guitar strum> "nappy-headed ho! opression rots! nappy-headed ho!" <screaming anti-praise for Satan> "the joy and righteousness of selling Cuban cigars to 10 year olds!"<etc>.

by Braveheart's thirst for blood April 25, 2007

4πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


A beauty pageant held in a forest, usually around the end of daylight savings time, where everyone featured is required to arrive there naked. A portmanteu of pagan and pageant (however, some pagans are less cycle-accurate and wear clothes)

"Tira and Morgana went to the pagant and almost forgot to not wear clothes." "After receiving their WICcan checks, Nefeteri and Hrothgar decided to go to the pagant to spend the money on Burger King scented incense and candles."

by Braveheart's thirst for blood January 13, 2007

4πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Unburnable Media Disc. The read-only disc used in a Sony Playstation Portable. Made to be unburnable because people would make UMD Mix-discs which hold loads of songs or even more using a GBA emulator and a GSM player. Not to mention burning copies of commercial games. Destined for failure.

Ever since I got homebrew on my PSP, I haven't used the UMD.

by Braveheart's thirst for blood April 25, 2007

20πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

aol disk

Time-Warner's way to make sure Linux never gets on to too many PCs. You see, if AOL is installed on more computers, users would be forced to use the dial-up modem (tyranny by costliness) which runs only on Windows.

Back in the old days, an aol disk was a floppy disk, which meant they could be reformatted and reused. But now they are a CD-ROM, which wastes plastic for crappy software, software which prohibits you from starting any executable code (even beneficial code) on your computer for the first 5 minutes after you sign on.

by Braveheart's thirst for blood January 20, 2007

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Having to do with Mormons or their religion/practices.

It is very Mormonic to not drink coffee.

by Braveheart's thirst for blood January 21, 2007

33πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Wiccan incendiary device

Crusader slang for a Christmas Tree/Solstice Tree. So named because of its traditional Pagan origin and it's uncanny ability to start tragic house fires during the Holidays.

Ibelin left a cigarrette near the Wiccan incendiary device in Xena's house. In 45 seconds the living room was engulfed.

Ron and Aleister took turns hanging pentacles on the Wiccan Incendiary device on Xmas eve.

by Braveheart's thirst for blood March 4, 2007

6πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

pope on a rope

A Pope that has or is in the process of being martyred by means of hanging by the neck with a noosed rope. Compare Christ on a stick.

Back in the first few centuries of Papacy many times you saw a pope on a rope.

by Braveheart's thirst for blood March 21, 2007

10πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž