Slang due thanksgiving since it is always in thursday and most families eat turkey
I am going to get my eat in Thurkey Day this year
The orange film that collects between your teeth and gums from eating a bag of cheetos
You must have eaten Cheetos. I can see the charter from across the room.
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Slang for did you get the Covid-19 Vaccine
I finally got the jab yesterday
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What happens when you feel that you have been on too many video webinar meetings
I am so zoomed out I had 7 video webinars today
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A pronoun like he, she, it to identify something
Man are you driving your shit to work or are you thinking the bus?
1. To ask someone what is going on.
2. A greeting or salutation
Hey Rudy!! WhatΓ’ΒΒs popping tonight?
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Wearing dress or non-athletic socks with athletic shoes usually black mid calf socks and shorts.
I am embarrassed since my father is always truck driving when he comes to watch me play soccer on a hot day