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as cities burn

a rock/indie band from Louisianna, USA. As Cities Burn is signed to solidstate records. They're influences consist of further seems forever, thrice, coheed and mewithoutyou.

check out as cities burn at...


by Brenna Mae October 2, 2006

29👍 5👎

Scars of tomorrow

Hardcore/Metal band from Orange County/LA. Scars of Tomorrow started in 2000.

Band members:
Mike Milford: vocals
Cuzzi: bass
Joey: guitar
Kevin: guitar
Justin: drums

Signed to Victory Records.

scars of tomorrow is pretty good!

by Brenna Mae October 2, 2006

5👍 3👎

Pretty Good

The equivalent of amazing. Has a somewhat sarcastic tone. When used with this meaning, the speaker would most likely sound excited as opposed to the usual monotone "oh I don't know. It's pretty good, I guess."

"You got a new car? That's pretty good!"

by Brenna Mae October 2, 2006

70👍 66👎