A musical revelation that began on November 27th, 2012. It is widely attributed to the band Modern Baseball but that implies any band since them have been able to capture the same spirit of Folk Punk they were able to on their first try. Many ersatz attempts followed in their wake and, while it will never be achieved to such a pure degree again, their sound still reverberates through the movement.
Mathew Uychich: "I want people to understand how we've wrapped all our angst into a hatred of New Jersey and a love of weed but I can't afford the copay for therapy." Brian Sella (takes off headphones with tears in his eyes and an obvious erection): "What if we tried playing folk punk music, as popularized/invented/destined by the band Modern Baseball?" Mathew Uychich (even more erect than Brian Sella): "We're going to have to even though we'll never achieve their melodic, emotional honesty and pure sexual charisma." Both start singing: "New Jersey is only the right size in my rearview mirror and also weed is rad."
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