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(noun) A monkey that is in desperate need for a shower. It can also mean a person that plays halo too much, and is really really dirrrrty.
The repeated use of the letter "r" symbolizes just how dirty they really are.
If you ever run into a dirrrrrrrtykong (class 7), just back away slowly, don't turn your back on it, and then get the hell outta there!

Ben: Dude I was walking through the jungle the other day, and I totally ran into a dirrrtykong!
Kevin: Wow, that's a level 3 dirtykong! I'm surprised you made it out alive!
Ben: Yeah, I'm alive, but I sure smell like shit

by Brian h September 11, 2005

35πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž



The act of gutting someone, wrapping their intestines around their neck, anchoring one end on a solid object and overboarding them off of a cliff. Therefore, hanging them by their own entrails.

Dude, I'm so pissed off I think I'll ceasar that piece of shit.

by Brian h November 6, 2004

151πŸ‘ 119πŸ‘Ž


When an overweight individual is having sex on the top of a bunk bed, and the support gives way, crushing the poor bastard who's trying to sleep on the bottom bunk.

"Dude, why are you wearing that neck brace?"

"I was lying down and Timmy fucking kerbunked me, fracturing my spine"

by Brian h January 23, 2005

64πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


The act of getting super crunk, crunk beyond your wildest dreams.

(patented by Kevin, who gets crunkishness like it ain't no thang)

We are getting crunkishness up in here, bitches!

Dude, Kevin got crunkishness, I ain't ever seen anything like that before.

by Brian h November 6, 2004

27πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


describes the most ultimate in any experience which would be described as fun, joyful, blissful, satisfactory, or even pleasurable. The epitome of fun.

Funness is also mainly used in sarcasm, because it is incredibly hard to find any activity that would qualify as awesome enough to be funness, it's so hard, nothing has been found yet.

this word originated in the pleasant little village of Clay Center

"Yeah, the other day, I was cutting down this evergreen and I cut off my leg with a chainsaw, it was so funness!"

"Wow, really? I didn't realize it was so sweet, maybe I'll try it"

"I was being sarcastic, dumbass"

by Brian h March 30, 2005

64πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Pretty obvious, but it means to accidentally discharge one's load into your partner's face.

Betty needed a quick breather from blowing my world, but when I pulled out, I totally Cheney'd her.

by Brian h March 15, 2006

94πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


AOL instant messanger slang.

How many times a day do you typically type the word "lol" when you are not actually laughing out loud? Even if you do this once, you are a liar, you're lying to yourself, and to your friends who think they've made you laugh.

Instead, be true to yourself and your friends, and type "li" which means you are laughing on the inside, and that's all your friends need to hear to know that they still have a half decent sense of humor

friend: why is 6 afraid of 7?

me: I don't know

friend: because 7 8 9!

Me: li

by Brian h January 25, 2005

331πŸ‘ 169πŸ‘Ž