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1 of 2 monopoly political parties of these United States of America. Leaning left of center and usually very close minded. Violates the Constitution on a regular basis with federal programs such as welfare, IRS, Federal Reserve, and the list goes on. Belives the central government should do everything for the people. Believes the central government does not have to obide by the Constitution and adds new amendments when they can't do what they want.

Masters of the media. Falsely the party of the poor (note: during the 2008 election nObama was endorsed by in and around 90% of Hollywood elite; celebrities that are definitely not the poor) Oprah, Denzel Washington, Steven Spielberg, Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry, Don Cheadle, etc. are not poor, yet all vote Democrat. *But Republicans favor the rich? *Google: What celebrities endorsed Obama*

Hack, slash, bash, and pummel every and all Republicans. Or for that matter, anyone who is not democrat.

Believe in socialist values, even though they like to say they don't *Note: Socialism....just look it up*

Believe in democracy even though these United States were founded as a republic, and democracy was never written in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. *Note: America has become a respresntative democracy which is not a republic.*

Democrat: I am not a socialist, but I do believe the government should supply us with health care, schools, and all sorts of other socialist programs.

Democrat: I am bi-partisan, but I hate when those republicans have to go and use their 1st Amendment rights and speak.

Demorcat: I believe in the Constitution, until it starts to keep my ideas from reaching the light of day.

Democrat: State rights are higher than the central government, unless that state doesnt agree and then the central government is higher. And states can't leave the Union and the people can't overthrow the government, I don't care what the Constitution says.

by Bring Back the Constitution May 14, 2009

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