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a mix of german,french,celtic, and norse dialects that is now i think the most used language in the world
random fact more people speak english in china than the in the USA

a people who colonised most of the world including america much to their annoyence lol they can take the piss with all their false stereotypes such as the constant use of toodle pip and other random shite no1 has sed since the 1800s but ur just takn the piss outta ur family lol

hardly any1 speaks posh lyk the queen only the odd wierdo or american tryn to fit in...
english is split in2 many accents such as liverpudlian, brummie, cornish, devonian, cockney, queen's, mancs and many more the accents are known to change between towns seperated by no more than a few miles!

given the grammar is fukd up but thats language but whn u think other europian languages give objects genders which changes verb form and all sorts of shit just accept and get over it

fav american line: ...would be speaking german unless we won the war

English answer: .... would not be living or would be speakn french or spanish if we hadn't colonised :P

by Britain isnt England dickhead March 25, 2008

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