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dick fucktard

a variation of the commonly used term fucktard

a way of calling your friends assholes and telling them you hope they choke on there beer without just coming out and saying it

Dick Fucktard was coined during Operation Green Harvest

Drunken Friends; "your a slut"
Drunken Friends; "no YOUR MOMS a slut"
Drunken Friends; "oh I'LL SHOW YOUR MOM a slut"
Drunken Britt; "you guys are a bunch of dick fucktards"

by Brittvj October 7, 2007

1👍 15👎


The high five of America!

If some one asks you where your from and you live in Michigan you hold up your hand and just point it out

"I'm freezing my ass off but at least I live in the high five of America!"

Floridian: "Where are you from in Michigan ?"
Michigander: holds up hand, and points "Well yall, right about here, how bout you?"
Floridian: Whips out dick "right near the tip"

by Brittvj October 7, 2007

280👍 52👎


ie Master of the custodial arts

"I am a master of the custodial arts, or janitor if you wanna be a dick about it!"

by Brittvj October 7, 2007

208👍 45👎