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Humor shaming

The term is to describe someone who wasn't involved in the conversation when you make a joke that's offensive.

Me: what was the last thing that went through JFK'S head

Friend: what

Me: a bullet

A idiot: tHats UhFennsiv

Humor shaming

by Brody 7.62 January 27, 2022

Assault Rifle

An Assault Rifle is a rifle has an option of (Select Fire) and shoots an (intermediate cartridge) like 5.56x45 or 7.62x39. Usually having a magazine capacity of 30 rounds.

BTW AR15 stands for Armalite Rifle 15 often mistaken for Assault Rifle 15 by politicians.

ATF on phone: ATF what your emergency

Liberal Karen: My NaIgHbOrs GoT An AsSaUlt RiFle 15

ATF: does he have a dog

Liberal Karen: what

ATF: just wondering

by Brody 7.62 August 8, 2023


The word Ness stands for Needs Easy Studding Student

Hey look at some ness kid

by Brody 7.62 January 2, 2022

The GayK guy

Someone who watches only Brandon Herrera and thinks he knows as much about guns as him and says shit he says in his videos and only knows about guns cause of him.

The GayK guy: put your finger away from the trigger gun safety rule numb

Arm and gun filming an ASMR video:
Shut the fuck up you are saying shit Brandon Said aka Source number 2 of teenagers learn about guns next to source number 1 Call of Duty.

by Brody 7.62 May 18, 2023