Contrary to popular belief, the debt collector is not a jackass government worker, they are average people trying to make a buck. Although people think the debt collector is the asshole, the real asshole is the debtor. The debtor (aka anyone who owes a debt because they received a service which they in all their dumbassery think they don't need to pay for) is by far the dumbest person alive, believing that hanging up or telling the collector they dont have a job/moved far far away to save their stupid ass from being collected on will help, however, it will not as the collector can literally find out any sort of information on the debtor that they want, anything from where they work/live to their social security number the debtor is so dumb in fact that the collector becomes more and more depressed every day, not because the idiot debtor hurts their feelings, but because they witness firsthand the decline of the human IQ, which seems to decrease daily.
Debt Collector: Hi is Adam D***** there?
Debtor: What's this about?
Collector: I can only disclose the information to Adam.
Debtor: yeah, I get it, you can't say because you've been "dee-structed" to do so, right?
(this is an actual conversation I had with one of these morons)
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